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Suspended ratings are being reviewed by us and will be published soon. – the service is performing well and meeting our expectations. See CQC's page explaining ratings for more details about ratings and inspection practices of care homes in England.

Our home proudly offers a state of the art kitchen, which adds to the home-like feel. We also offer four spacious and secure outdoor decks, and a large gorgeous sunroom with vaulted ceiling that provides plenty of room for special family gatherings. As well as providing care for permanent residents, Briarlea also offers respite and day care. There is a dedicated member of staff for creating interesting activities for residents and most bedrooms offer single en-suite accommodation. Homes that offer a variety of activities and entertainment will ensure you or your loved one remain stimulated once settled in. It’s also important that you opt for the type of care that will support your needs properly.
Briarlea is a family run business with a loving and caring ethos where residents are encouraged to make the most of every day and live life to the full, with the assistance of a caring team of staff. It’s for all these benefits that some individuals decide to stay in residential care for a short period of time – known as respite care. Alongside these benefits, residential care homes help to fight loneliness. They offer great environments for older people to build friendships .

Or a diagnosis of dementia that has left you feeling unsure of yourself? For many, social isolation caused by the pandemic has taken away their sparkle. At Briarlea, we’ve been delivering top class care in Evesham for over 30 years.
About quality of care
Potentially, this might not be a residential home. You may be feel better in a supported living facility or a nursing home. We also have 2 dedicated respite bedrooms, so you can book a short stay of a few days to several weeks when family are taking a holiday, or you want some ‘me’ time. We also offer day care when families need to know you are safe and being cared for by our great team.

It offers the opportunity to meet likeminded people and have some fun. You choose when to come in, when to leave and what meals you want to join. When a care home trains its staff, there is more empathy, more ideas and all-round better care.
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Doctor Pierre Beaulieu owns The Briarlea and will gladly take on all residents as his patients. A full time Activity Coordinator, Certified Chefs, an LPN, and highly qualified caregivers and other service providers all work together to ensure a higher level of care to our seniors. The Briarlea currently offers 16 private rooms, 4 semi-private rooms, and 3 independent living apartments to residents requiring level 1 or level 2 care. The Briarlea is designed to provide long term and palliative care, or even an ideal temporary solution, to individuals requiring 24 hour assistance with activities of daily living.
Contact our care home manager, Jo, for more information. Respite Care offers people a taste of what life is like in a residential home – but without the commitment of moving in full time. At Briarlea, we strive to ensure every resident enjoys life to the full; surrounded by home comforts and aided by the best quality care. – there are some services which we can’t rate, while some might be under appeal from the provider.
Brompton House Care Home
Residential care is given to people in a care home environment – like here at Briarlea. Of course, we would love to welcome everyone who expresses an interest in Briarlea. But it wouldn’t feel right to us if we weren’t acting in your best interest. At Briarlea, we will only encourage you to move in if we feel we can care for you safely. The atmosphere we’ve created here at Briarlea is a lot like a country house hotel – with you as our long-term patrons.

Where there’s always a reason to laugh and where your care is tailored to suit your personal needs and dignity. Most people fall in love with Briarlea straight away. It’s important that you pick a care home you’re happy with. If this sounds like you, the support of residential care may be just what you need. One of our unique selling points is that we are small.
We understand how, for many individuals, moving into care feels like a big step. We’ve therefore tried to pack our website with as much information as possible – so you feel confident in making your decision. If this service has not had a CQC inspection since it registered with us, our judgement may be based on our assessment of declarations and evidence supplied by the service. A home-like feel is the ambiance we strive to achieve at The Briarlea. With two beautiful fireplaces, many spacious sitting and dining areas, and carefully selected décor, The Briarlea makes everyone who enters our home feel welcomed, comfortable, and at home. Ratings are provided by Care Quality Commission and reflects the most recent report for this care home, which was published on 16 December 2016.
Nursing care is in many ways similar to a residential home. The key difference being that in a nursing home, a qualified nurse remains onsite 24/7 to help with the acute needs of residents. You should be able to recognise the staff that care for you on a daily basis. If a home is dependent on rolling agency staff, there isn’t much opportunity for residents and carers to bond.
Carers all live within a stone’s throw away from Briarlea and know each resident inside out. On any given day, you can count on staff coming into the home to share the latest local news with residents over breakfast. This makes our residents feel quite rightly that they remain at the heart of their community. We look forward to seeing you to look around and see what we offer for long term care, a short break, or day care if not ready to move in yet.